Reviews & Guides

How to Use a Snow Blower

  • Date: September 10, 2021
  • Time to read: 2 min.

How to Use a Snow Blower

First snowfalls are always so much fun. The way everything looks in the morning before cars are sliding all over the place can be really beautiful. But then there’s the other side of the first snow.

Roads need to be plowed and driveways need to be shoveled. Let’s go over some basics of having a snowblower

You Still Need a Shovel

There are a few things you want to check before you fire that baby up. One of them is that you still have a shovel. Having an awesome snowblower doesn’t mean you won’t ever touch a shovel again.

There might be angles you can’t quite get your blower to get to, or you might run out of gas and you’ll still need to shovel your sidewalks.

Check the Weather

We know you are super excited to take the snowblower out for a spin, but you need to check the weather first. You don’t want to wait until all of the snow has dumped before you plow.

Wait until you have about 2 inches, then go ahead and do your first round. You will probably have to do another go, but it’s better for you and your snowblower to not have to do it all at once. If you wait and find you have at least 6 inches of snow, you’re going to have to get that shovel out.

Prep Like You Would To Rake

You don’t want to take your blower out and go crazy. You still need to check for rocks, sticks, cables, hoses, and anything else that might be in your yard or driveway.  It would be really, really bad if you started throwing rocks into your neighbor’s yard or at their cars.

Don’t Add Work to Others

Watch out for others. You don’t want to throw the snow into your neighbor’s yard, or worse, in the street. That could cause other cars to get stuck or get in the way of the city snowplows. Use the power of having a snowblower wisely.