Reviews & Guides

Are Leaf Blowers Bad for Insects

  • Date: September 10, 2021
  • Time to read: 2 min.

Are Leaf Blowers Bad for Insects?

Leaf blowers are a fast and efficient way of tidying up your garden, however they do have some repercussions to the small creatures living within your lawn. Insects such as spiders, bees, and flies all play a vital part in the environmental balance. However, they are suffering a rapid decrease in numbers, especially in built-up areas.

How do leaf blowers kill insects?

Insects are in danger of being sucked in, or blown away from the impact of the leaf blower. This will cause damage to their limbs or wings, and could lead to the insect dying. Leaf blowers can also cause harm to soil biology, and create noise pollution.

Decline percentages

In Germany, an undergone study suggested that flying insects had declined by more than 75% in the year of 2017. Whilst leaf blowers are not the main cause of this decline, it is certainly a factor, and something we should be aware of. Climate change, pesticides, and agriculture are top causes.

Bees help us by pollinating plants, whilst flies and beetles help to naturally decompose dead wildlife. Data shows that each year, the bee population is dwindling more and more. Between 2018 and 2019, the bee population decreased by 40.7%.

Other species of insects have suffered a similar decline figure, reducing in 40% around the world.

Conclusion – How can we help?

Whilst there is no call to ban leaf blowers, ministries are advising to minimise their usage, utilized only as a last resort. Small insects have a large role to play, and their population numbers have significantly declined.

Insects provide benefits to many other species, including humans. To help protect them, less invasive ways of gardening should be attempted before getting out your leaf blower. Alternatively, search for leaf blowers that leaves minimal damage.